
HomeMADE: Online Art Show to Benefit NYC Salt

July 20–September 7, 2020

Alyse Rosner, Bethany Czarnecki, Dora Somosi, Elena Lyakir, Elizabeth Gilfilen, Frances Ashforth, Jean Wolff, Ky Anderson, Les Rogers, Matt Philips, Michael Wolf, and Scott Frances

BAM Art Advisory is excited to present HomeMADE, an online group exhibition of the work created by 12 artists and photographers (30 works of art) during the spring 2020 quarantine. COVID-19 changed all our lives. For this group of artists, many were living and making art in new geographical locations, and often in smaller spaces. Their personal circumstances and challenges and a climate of uncertainty and isolation shaped new, different, and exciting work. For example, Frances Ashforth’s lack of access to her print making studio to create her large monoprints and her love of nature, fueled hundreds of small beautiful drawings of her beloved rock collection. Les Rogers created a series of small 8” x 10” paintings when painting alongside his small children, while his wife worked on the front lines of the health crisis. Whereas Dora Somosi turned her lens on what was around her; her daughters and the wintery nature of upstate NY, Jean Wolff looked inward to create small works on paper with just basic art supplies, such as pen and ink, while quarantining in her NYC apartment.

With increased poverty, illness, and racial injustice, the artists and BAM Art Advisory chose to donate 50% of the proceeds to NYC Salt, which is a charity that provides photography programs as well as college application and career mentoring support to NYC teens from underserved areas. NYC Salt, originally founded in 2008 in Washington Heights as an after-school program by Alicia Hansen, has grown into a program that gives teens from difficult backgrounds a chance at a very different life path through mentoring and encouraging them to document their own communities and lives. A recent NYC Salt grad originally from West Africa, Malike Sibide has become of the great black photographers documenting the racial justice protests in the US, featured in Time Magazine and other publications.

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